We accept self-interviews from authors who have at least one published book. A self-interview is where you ask yourself the questions that you want people to know, and answer them yourself. Humorous, odd, quirky, intimate, and/or getting deeply personal with previously unknown parts of your life works the best. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.


  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • Interviews should have a minimum of 4 questions.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published interviews are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • This is a free form that is unique to you and shouldn't be shared with others. There is a $2 administrative fee for anyone able to pay.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted interview.


We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.