You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.

Alternating Current Press is an indie press dedicated to publishing and promoting incredible literature that challenges readers and has an innate sense of self, timelessness, and atmosphere. We love science, history, homebound roots, rural landscapes, sense of place, poetic literary fiction, diverse voices, and all that is electric in the literary world.

We award several annual writing prizes, including The Luminaire Award (best poetry, best prose), The Charter Oak Award (best historical), The Coil Book Award (best published book from a different press), and The Electric Book Award (unpublished adult manuscript), that reward publication, certificates, medallions, cash honorariums, and more. All submissions to our press are automatically eligible for their respective award categories. There is no separate submission process.

We have a heavily trafficked online journal, The Coil, that features fresh content daily. To submit interviews, reviews, columns, editorials, timely personal essays, current event pieces, booklists, or material for our feature columns, please read more here before submitting.

We pay all of our authors for their work.

Read all general guidelines here.

Read about calls for submissions for special projects here.

Visit our book catalog here.

Ends on $18.00

We’re seeking book-length manuscripts of literary fiction, short stories, poetry, plays, novels, long novellas, creative nonfiction, literary memoir, essay collections, or hybrid. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented writers, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space.

Winner receives $1,000, our Electric Book Award digital medallion, a certificate, and book publication on Alternating Current Press, which includes distribution through Ingram and all major online retailers. Runners-up may also be offered book publication.

Submissions open: January 1, 2025

Submissions close: April 30, 2025

Winner announced: August 2025

Publication: 2026/2027

  • Manuscripts may be of any length in any genre or style. Manuscripts can be fiction, nonfiction, poetry, plays, or hybrid. Choose the category of best fit.
  • Manuscripts must be geared toward an adult readership. We are not interested in books for children.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. Single work by multiple authors considered. We do not consider AI-generated work.
  • Manuscripts are read incognito. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME OR ANY IDENTIFYING MARKS INSIDE THE FILE, including headers, footers, cover pages, acknowledgments, and file names. If you do leave your identifying marks inside the file, the submission will be read as-is, but the reader may disqualify the submission if he knows you on any personal level.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. Please withdraw your manuscript through Submittable if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • ACP and The Coil staff may submit work for publication consideration, but they are ineligible to win prizes while on our staff (including volunteers).
  • Collections that contain previously published pieces are considered. Don’t include acknowledgments in the file.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • Straight or scholarly nonfiction should have citations.
  • There is an $18 fee for each manuscript submitted. You may submit as many manuscripts as you’d like, but each one must be submitted separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration and book production costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • Each paid submission comes with a digital copy of our latest Electric Book Award winner, River Weather, a collection of dark Appalachian stories by Cameron MacKenzie ($7.99 value). There is an additional option to purchase the winning Electric Book Award print book (publishing in 2025/2026) as an add-on for a deep discount ($7.99 off the final cover price, shipped free worldwide).
  • We will send a response and notification of the winner to every submission by the end of August. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your book. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. We reserve the right not to choose a winning manuscript if there are no contestants that meet our high judging standards.


Chapbooks for the series should be between-ish 10-ish to 40-ish pages of material and must have a single theme of some sort. We are seeking themed or linked pieces with a hook, and we are especially interested in themes with a historical or science bent. We want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA2+ safe-space.

Selected manuscripts receive publication on Alternating Current Press, which includes distribution through Ingram, Asterism Books, and all major online retailers. Publication is in paperback and ePub formats and includes 10 complimentary paperback copies, a complimentary digital copy in all formats, and 30% net royalties. We generally select 4 to 6 manuscripts for publication from our open-reading periods.

Submissions open: NOV 1, 2024

Submissions close: APR 30, 2025

Selections made: Within 4 months

Publication: 2026/2027


  • We’re seeking chapbook-length manuscripts that have a single theme of some sort. We are seeking themed or linked pieces with a hook, and we are especially interested in themes with a historical or science bent. We are not interested in material that is not linked in some obvious way.
  • Please note the chapbooks in this series are 4” x 6”, with 3” x 5” of working text space. Long lines will get broken, and horizontal concrete poetry or writing with a large shape will not work in this space. Prose forms and left-aligned forms with shorter lines work best in this space.
  • All genres, styles, and subjects considered that can work within a small setting, including poetry, hybrid, prose poems, experimental, flash stories, flash memoir, one-act plays, textual/visual, &c.
  • Chapbooks should be between-ish 10 to 40 pages, for a soft guideline.
  • Manuscripts must be geared toward an adult readership. We are not interested in books for children.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. Single work by multiple authors considered. We will also consider reliable side-by-side (English and a second language) translations for this category. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • These manuscripts are not read incognito. It doesn’t matter if your identifying information is or isn’t inside your submission file.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. Please withdraw your manuscript through Submittable if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • Previously published pieces are considered if they have never been published as a group in a standalone print volume.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • Straight or scholarly nonfiction should have citations.
  • There is a $5.99 fee for each chapbook submitted. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration and book production costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • Each paid submission comes with a digital copy of our latest Little Pigeon chapbook, currently black has every right to be angry, a collection of poetry about the historical and contemporary experience of being Black in the United States, by Ashley Elizabeth ($7.99 value).
  • We will send a response and notification to every submission within 4 months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your book. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back after 4 months, please feel free to follow up (kindly).
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit appropriate manuscripts for free to this open-reading period (please note that if the portal is not open, then we have reached our free-submission monthly cap until the beginning of the next month).


Find out more about the Little Pigeon Series here.


We consider standalone excerpts from novels, memoirs, collections, and other books. This column is excellent for promotional purposes to coincide with a book’s release date, to drum up early exposure, or during the dates of a book blog tour. Excerpts are only considered for published books or books on preorder, and not from works-in-progress that have not yet found a publisher. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed.
  • Previously published excerpts allowed.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted excerpt.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



We look for well-written book reviews that are analytical or that draw comparisons to history or culture, especially in an essay style. We have a vast readership and will feature any style, genre, author, or publisher, large and small alike, if the review is of interest to our readership. We currently accept finished reviews only, no pitches and no queries to review your book. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space.

  • Reviews have a minimum requirement of at least 600 words and at least 2 snippets of quoted text/writing samples from the book.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your review is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published reviews are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted review.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit reviews for free.


This is our regular column of brief micro book reviews where the literary world can talk about what it’s reading. One single paragraph per book. This is an excellent way to talk about indie books that have been published or that are forthcoming. Each column contains multiple writers sharing a single paragraph each about their current favorite reads; you contribute one paragraph, not the entire column. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space.

  • Reviews should be 200-400 words about one single book. All styles welcome.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your review is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published reviews are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted review.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit reviews for free.


We're looking for completed essays, articles, columns, booklists, trends, journalism, scholarly work, or nonfiction literary-interest work, as well as memoir, personal essays, hybrid essays, and creative nonfiction with general interest. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space.

In general: We look for well-written and topical essays, articles, and columns. Although not entirely required, we are really geared toward a literary scene and are seeking works that reflect that atmosphere. We love pieces that incorporate current events, culture, rural landscapes, diverse voices, books, booklists, science, holidays, personal experiences, craft, literary trends, and history. We are big fans of research, digging beneath the top layer, and well-formed arguments. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



We're looking for completed essays on craft. This is a series for people in the writing, editing, agenting, creative-writing teaching, or publishing business to talk in-depth about their craft or process. Essays can touch on most any aspect of craft or process, as long as the topic is something in the literary or publishing world. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



This is a series of essays where authors can go into extensive detail on topics they know a great deal about. Are you an ‘expert’ at making wooden birdhouses, getting clean drinking water to underprivileged countries, timber-felling, or knowing which trees belong in which tree families? Go into detail about a topic you know well, how to do it, what to look for, and why it’s important to you. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



This series highlights odd or fun collections of items that authors have hoarded through the years. Do you collect something weird? Stamps and baseball cards are fine, but we are mostly looking for collections that go a little outside the norm, just for the fun of it. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • This column must include at least 1 (and up to 19) hi-res image(s) of your collection.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



The On This Day series focuses on events in history that took place ‘on this day,’ with a bent toward literary, scientific, cultural, and historical events. We look for well-written, well-researched essays and articles that say something deeper than a Wikipedia version—something quirky, little-known, or personal about some person, place, idea, book, &c., that took place ‘on this day’ in history. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



This series features columns about older books and how well they hold up over time, after a second look. Books should be at least a couple years old, but you decide your own topic and book. How does it fit in with today’s society? What changed, for better or worse? We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias. 

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



The Last Thing I Loved is exactly what it sounds like. We are seeking essays on the last thing you truly loved, something you felt so passionate about when you found out about it, heard it, tried it, tasted it, read it, saw it, revisited it, that you just had to tell everyone. We want to hear about products and songs and ideas and objects that changed your life and changed your mind. Tell us that passion, and make us feel it. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias. 


If the last thing you loved is love itself, then you are not trying hard enough. We are not interested in your personal relationships with unknown people. We are also not interested in sadness for this column; we do not want essays about things you lost if the mood is not upbeat, lovely, passionate, and fun.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • This column should include at least 1 (and up to 19) hi-res image(s) of the last thing you loved.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.


History and science is our passion at The Coil. But what if something in history had been altered, changed for better or worse? We seek fun, interesting, sad, quirky, well-researched fiction on alternat(iv)e histories for any person, place, event, idea, or time period in history. Essays are also accepted, if you want to dabble in scholarly what-ifs. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



We look for well-made (and taste-tested) food and drink recipes with a literary bent. They can be based on food from books, be based on what characters might eat or drink, have punny literary titles, or simply be a recipe accompanied by an essay. We are open about that, but it should pertain to literature in some facet. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.   

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • This column should include at least 1 (and up to 19) hi-res image(s) of the food or drink being made.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.


We look for interesting and engaging interviews and conversations with literary figures, authors, editors, publishers, agents, heads of literary organizations, artists, people doing creative things in the world, &c. Especially interested in topical conversations (new books released, upcoming speaking engagement, film adaptation, something pertaining to holidays/events). We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.   

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • Interviews should have a minimum of 4 questions.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published interviews are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted interview.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit interviews for free.



We accept self-interviews from authors who have at least one published book. A self-interview is where you ask yourself the questions that you want people to know, and answer them yourself. Humorous, odd, quirky, intimate, and/or getting deeply personal with previously unknown parts of your life works the best. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.


  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • Interviews should have a minimum of 4 questions.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published interviews are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted interview.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit interviews for free.



We accept photo interviews from authors who have at least one published book. A photo-interview is one in which you provide photos pertaining to something about yourself, a book, inspiration for writing, a set topic, or some other united subject. Photos should have some meaning on a particular subject, and should be your own photos, or photos you have permission to use. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.


  • Material should have a minimum of 100 words.
  • Material should include at least 5 images (and up to 19).
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published interviews are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted interview.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit interviews for free.


This is a series of fun and engaging set-questions for authors. This series is for authors only, and you must have at least one published book. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

To participate in this interview series, you must first download the questions here.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • There are no simultaneous submissions allowed for this category. These interview questions are our own, for our own series, and cannot be published at another venue.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted interview.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit interviews for free.



We accept shelfies from authors who have at least one published book. Shelfies are where you take pictures of your bookshelves and talk about them. The shelfie can be in-depth or surface level, but we love to see what authors read and how they organize their books. Tell us what’s important to you about your books, and share as many photos as you’d like. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.


  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • Material should include at least 1 image (and up to 19).
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published interviews are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit interviews for free.


This column is for exposure and spotlights on authors and literary endeavors, in the vein of an in-depth profile. It’s a good outlet for book-blog tours that just want to spotlight a book, or for someone to spotlight his or her own project, local literary places or projects, or neat organizations doing good things for the literary world. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 600 words.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published articles or essays are not considered.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted essay.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit essays for free.



We consider artist profiles that talk about the artists, their craft, their style, and show a sampling of their work in a visual presentation. We accept comics, graphics, illustrations, and artwork portfolio essays with a universal appeal. Material should be enough to fill a full post; we aren’t as inclined to take one single picture as we are to take several panels and pieces to make a meatier showcase post. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 100 words.
  • Material should include at least 1 image (and up to 19).
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun. No erotica, nudity, or graphic violence.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors and artists must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed. If your piece is picked up elsewhere, please withdraw your submission through Submittable.
  • Previously published material is considered if you own the reprint rights.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted art post.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit material for free.


This column focuses on multimedia literary posts with soundbites, videos, MP3s, audio book excerpts, book trailers, readings, podcasts, &c. We prefer items that are hosted externally with links (such as hosted on YouTube or SoundCloud or Vimeo), but otherwise, you can upload your files individually if they don’t have hosted links, and we’ll host them on our own networks. We especially want to hear from marginalized and underrepresented authors, and we are an LGBTQUIA+ safe-space. We are not interested in affiliated articles, purchased opinions, or columns that are trying to sell something with a paid bias.

  • Material should have a minimum of 100 words.
  • Material should include at least 1 multimedia item (and up to 19). These items can be attached in the upload form if they are not already hosted on external sites, or you can provide the links in the appropriate form field.
  • All work must be in English and must be the author’s own. We do not consider AI-generated works.
  • No religion or hate speech. Do not submit material that is hateful toward any type of person or culture, or that is pro-gun. No erotica, nudity, or graphic violence.
  • If you need to adjust a submission, please use the Request to Edit option through Submittable. Please don’t request to edit for minor flaws, however—all accepted work will go through an editing process and will have the chance to be updated before publication, and your work will not be disqualified for a missing comma.
  • All authors and artists must be at least 18 to submit.
  • Simultaneous submissions allowed.
  • Previously published material is considered if you own the reprint rights.
  • Submit via Submittable only. We do not accept email submissions.
  • There is a $2 administrative fee that we have to charge for each submission to use the Submittable platform. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but each submission must be made separately with a separate fee. The fee helps us with needed administration costs, but it’s not meant to be too inhibitive. If you are unable to pay, please email us for an alternative submission method.
  • We will send a response to every submission within two months. Form response only, unless we are interested in publishing your work. We are regretfully unable to provide feedback. If you have not heard back from us within two months, please feel free to contact us (kindly).
  • We pay $10 per accepted post.
  • We acknowledge that we are headquartered on what should be Arapaho land on a street that is instead named for a dead white male president who owned enslaved people and severed Native American Nations apart irrevocably. To honor the reparations that this entire country needs to make, Black writers and Native American Indigenous (United States and Canada) writers may submit material for free.

Alternating Current Press